Instructions for using Bittimaatti ATMs

You must have a mobile wallet for cryptocurrencies for you to be able to use the ATMs. For example, the companies Electrum and Mycelium provide these kinds of cryptowallets. Please notice that these wallets are from third party service providers for which we are not responsible for the functionality of their services. This also means that you have to be aware of what wallet application you’re using, how it works, and if you have the necessary backup copies. One of the features of Bitcoin is, that once a transaction is made, it cannot be cancelled. Take this into account when you’re buying bitcoins from a Bittimaatti ATM, and never send funds to a QR-code provided by a person you don’t know.

ATTENTION: Read the operating instructions of the machine carefully. The main functions have an execution time of two minutes (2min) and the yes / no selections have a half-minute (30sec).

1. Start the transaction and acquire a QR-code for identification

Start the transaction by selecting “Buy bitcoins” or “Sell bitcoins”. The ATM will ask for an identification code, which you can get from after a succesfull verification process. You can either identify yourself with

  • your banking credentials or mobile verification. This option is available for those who have a Finnish bank account, and it will open you a new window with the QR-code for identification.
  • your Coinmotion account. If you have a verified Coinmotion account, choosing this option will automatically send you the QR-code for identification into the email linked to your Coinmotion account.

2. Scan the QR-code for identification

Show the QR-code to the ATM. Please note that the QR-code functions 24h after downloading it and you can only use it once. After the ATM has succesfully scanned the QR-code for identification, it asks you to accept the terms of service.

3. Enter your phone number and PIN

Enter your phone number to which a separate PIN-code will be sent in a text message. Use the PIN-code to proceed. 

4.1 Sell bitcoins and withdraw cash from the ATM

Select the amount you’d like to sell, using the buttons “100” “50” and “20”. Once you’ve inserted the amount and accepted it, the ATM will show you a QR-code which includes the transaction information ready for your wallet application. Scan the QR-code with your wallet application using the “Send” feature, and accept the transaction with your wallet application.

Once your transaction is registered in the blockchain, the ATM will provide you with the corresponding amount of cash from the slot no.3. Usually this happens immediately, but especially with bigger amounts the transaction takes longer. In these cases the ATM will ask for your phone number, to which it will send a message once the money can be withdrawn from the ATM. The message includes a code with which you may reclaim your cash.

4.2 Buy bitcoins

The ATM will ask for the address of your mobile wallet. You can visualize the wallet address usually with the “Receive” feature on your wallet application. Scan this QR-code with the ATM in a similar way you scanned the QR-code for verification earlier.

After a successful scan the ATM will ask you to insert the required amount of money through the slot no.4. Please note that an inserted bill is a binding buying decision, and the ATM cannot refund the bill to you after you’ve set it in. Once you’ve inserted the amount wanted, push the “send” button visible on the screen. The ATM will then send the fund you’ve bought to your cryptowallet.

5.0 Who can use Bittimaatti ATMs?

Bittimaatti ATMs can be used by persons who have Coinmotion account. Account can be created with Finnish or Swedish bank credentials only. ATMs can be used straight with these bank credentials too.

More information read here and Coinmotion Help Center

Did you face problems using the ATM? Don’t worry, our customer service will gladly help you. Any unsuccesfull transactions due to malfunction of the ATM will be refunded to the customer as soon as possible.

  1. Screen
  2. Scanner
  3. Outgoing cash
  4. Incoming cash