Terms of Service
1. General information
These Terms of Use (later Terms) apply to Bittimaatti Oy’s (2946626-9) (later Service provider) Bittimaatti ATM -service (later Bittimaatti) that offers services for buying and selling cryptocurrencies and for the operations linked to these purchase and selling services (later also Service or Services). In these Terms, buying and selling services include every Service provider´s produced, provided or maintained services that exploit QR-code -based or Euro/cash transfers. Bill input counts as a decision of purchase, and any bill or bills won’t be redeemed back. Bittimaatti’s do not give change.
These Terms apply on every Service provider´s maintained and/or administered Services, unless Service provider has informed differently regarding some particular Service. Anyone who uses these Services (later User) must agree to these Terms as a binding agreement to be able to use the Service, regardless if or not the User needs to register to the Service.
2. Service content
Service provider aims to maintain Services with high quality and as functional. Service provider bears responsibility from legality and good practice of Service content. Service provider develops the Service constantly and it has the right to alter the Service, its content and the requirements for hardware that are used operating the Service as a part of Service provider´s normal business. Service provider also has the right to end any Service whenever it sees fit. Decisions like this will be informed at the https://bittimaatti.fi site, at the Bittimaatti’s or by other means in advance. Service provider does not bear responsibility towards 3rd party services or content even in the case that the 3rd party service or content would be accessible from the Service provider’s website or otherwise. Service provider does not bear responsibility from any possible damages caused to the user by the use of Service content that is incorrect, inadequate or ambiguous.
The cryptocurrency buying and selling price is determined via following formula:
“Bitstamp’s rate” + “2-15% margin” + fixed transfer fee (€1-5) depending on the market situation.
Bittimaatti can only be used by the User after being authenticated. Authentication occurs when the User uses the Service for the first time and a registering process is initiated. This registering process is conducted on a separate service provider Sumsub’s platform. The new EU-act, which came into effect in Finland 30.12.2024 regarding knowing customer and receiving party information when it comes to crypto transactions, will cause a change also in Bittimaatti ATM operation.
Only personal unhosted cold and/or mobile wallets are allowed to be used in ATM transactions. All other so-called service wallets that are administered by another party is prohibited. For example (Binance, Coinbase, Coinmotion, Kucoin, Bitpanda, Crypto.com, etoro etc. ) The continued use of these wallets will terminate the customership.
3. Usability of the Service
Service provider aims to ensure the continuity of the Services without interferences. However, Service provider does not bear any responsibility from the uninterrupted, real-timeness nor flawless functionality of the Services. Neither does the Service provider bear responsibility from any technical malfunctions, support task -related interruptions nor any Service or other content alteration or disappearance caused by these, nor any communication -related problems, interruptions or breaks caused by 3rd party.
The Service provider has the right to discontinue the Service due to its change, update or technical malfunction, or due to any network related renovation, installation, support or any such reason, or if legislation or Finnish authority so requires. The Service provider aims to limit the duration of interruptions to be as short as possible. The User has no right for compensation due to downtime or other possible technical malfunction.
4. Right to use the Service
The agreement between the User and the Service provider to use the Service takes effect when the User agrees to these Terms and starts using the Service. The Service provider grants the right to use the Service for the User only within the limits of these Terms, possible special terms linked to the Service and other instructions specified in the Service. The right to use the Service that is granted within these Terms is non-exclusive and personal right, which the Service provider can revoke at any point of time. User rights can´t be transferred or used on behalf of any third party to gain access to the Service. User Service rights can´t be transferred to a third party and is solely for User personal purposes only.
The Service Provider also has the right to deny the Service from the User, if he/she has acted against these Terms, possible special terms linked to the service, other instructions specified in the Service, the law or good manners.
5. Liability for damages caused by using the Service
The User is liable for damages towards the Service provider caused by acts against these Terms, possible special terms linked to the service, other instructions specified in the Service or the law. The Service Provider is not liable for damages towards the User in case of any possible damages caused by the use of the Service.
A deviation of the Service in a situation where, due to a device or other reason due to the Service Provider’s system during the transaction, the device does not provide money to the user after a successful transfer, is compensated as follows. The User will be reimbursed for the value in euros at the time of the transaction as the virtual currency used in the transaction, plus the customer’s transaction transfer costs to the address indicated by the User. If the device does not provide cash due to the User, for example less than the amount of Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin required by the Service Provider’s QR code has been used for the transfer, the virtual currency assets will be returned to the User as follows. The amount transferred in the transaction in virtual currency to the address indicated by the user will be returned to the user as the sent amount of virtual currency in accordance with the euro value of the original transaction, deducted by a service fee of 20€.
The User is liable for any demands or expenses caused by using the Service such as cellular and data-roaming charges or separate charges or transaction fees set by another service provider to use the Service. The User has the responsibility to return any assets he/she has obtained by error, mistake, any other abnormal event or otherwise unlawfully.
6. Force majeure
Force majeure releases the Service Provider from any liabilities for damages regarding the Service or any other liabilities if the force majeure prevents or excessively complicates the action linked to the Service. Fire, earthquake, flood, strike or other stoppage, order from authorities, energy supply related problem, raw-material or supply shortage, 3rd party related cable, telecommunication or other such error, or any other reason that was unknown and didn’t enable reasonable preparation. The Service Provider notifies about the force majeure in the Service’s website or in some other way immediately after it has surfaced or after it’s reasonably possible.
7. Right to alter the Terms
These Terms are applied on all the services maintained by the Service Provider unless parties have agreed otherwise in writing. The Service Provider is eligible to alter these Terms and possible other terms or instructions regarding the Service. The Service Provider has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this agreement without notifying about the change in writing or in some other way through the Service to the User (over the Terms or over altering the Terms). Changes come into effect immediately. By continuing to use the Service, the User agrees the new altered Terms and commits to obey them.
8. Transferring the rights and liabilities
The User has no right to transfer the right to use the Service or a possible agreement made about the Service to a 3rd party. The Service Provider has the right to transfer the Service, its maintenance, and any responsibilities and liabilities linked to these, or a possible agreement made about the service to another enterprise linked to the Concern. The Service provider has the right to transfer the agreement to a 3rd party. The agreement between the Service Provider and the User that follows these Terms is valid until further notice. Each party can set this agreement to terminate as soon as other party is informed about the termination. Termination terminates the User’s right to use the service. The user is responsible for any responsibilities and liabilities linked to this agreement until the agreement is terminated.
9. Resolving disputes
Any disputes that are linked or based to these Terms, the Service linked to these Terms and agreements initiated by the Service are aimed to be solved in negotiations between the parties. In case of failure to solve the dispute in negotiations, the disputes are resolved in middle-Finland’s district court. However, consumer customer has the right to take legal action against the Service Provider in his/her own domicile´s inferior court in Finland. Consumer customer also has the right to ask proposition from Consumer Complaint Board.
10. Applied law and cooperation with authorities
Finnish law is applied to these Terms, the Service linked to them, possible disputes between parties and agreement linked to the Service. The Service Provider may assist different authorities (i.e. police, customs, tax authority) in case of investigation of possible money laundering and/or terrorist financing linked crimes, or any other crimes or abuses. The Service Provider may also reply on any lawful requests or requests of information from authorities by handing over required information to the authorities including information about account activity to the extent that Service Provider possesses.
11. Registration and authentication
The User joins using the Service either via registering as a user at Coinmotion -service and ordering an access code at http://bittimaatti.fi/id site or, via identifying themselves with Finnish banking credentials or Mobiilivarmenne at http://bittimaatti.fi/id site, or in another similar fashion appointed by the Service Provider and accepting these Terms as a binding binding towards themselves. User is registered when the Service Provider has confirmed the ID information of the User. Using false ID or registering with such information is prohibited when registering to the Service and the User guarantees that information provided is accurate and truthful. It is not possible to grant the right to use the service to a 3rd party by the User. The user is required to provide the Service Provider with any information regarding the registration which is required by money laundering law, official instructions or any other lawful entity to ensure access to the Service now and in the future.
The Service Provider has the right to check the Users credit information during registration.
The Service Provider has the right to deny access to the Service from the User if credit information shows payment defaults or other admissible reason.
As an optional part of the Service, there might be electronic advertisement. The User may be provided with commercial communication and information about the Service which include, but are not limited to, possibilities linked to, termination of, renewal of, or any product closely linked to the Service at the Services website, via email or by other means.
12. Personal information and marketing
The User must provide the Service Provider with ID and other information, which are required to use the service according to money laundering and possible other laws. The User is required to inform the Service Provider about any changes regarding provided ID and other information. The Service Provider has the right to deal and handle User’s personal information according to data protection regulation and according to the Privacy Policy of the Service Provider. User information is recorder into Service Provider’s registry.
The User has the right to deny handling of their personal information regarding direct advertising, distance selling or any other direct marketing. The Service Provider has the right to send advertisement via email to the User and the User has the right to unsubscribe from mailing via link provided alongside the marketing email. The User information is confidential. However, the Service Provider has the right to hand over confidential User information if it’s lawfully required by officials.